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Your Event Venue Could Truly Benefit from Installing Artificial Grass

Your Event Venue Could Truly Benefit from Installing Artificial Grass

Every little aspect can have a major impact on whether you are fully booked or have plenty of availability at an event venue. You need to maintain a low cost structure while maintaining every competitive advantage you can. Artificial turf satisfies these two requirements and is a great option to consider.

Keep reading to learn why and then contact All Season Turf at (866) 365-8873 if you are interested in a free quote.

Who else can ensure a lush, lovely lawn?

Southern California may have better weather than the majority of the nation, but due to our notorious droughts, grass can rapidly turn brown or become uneven or tough. How do you think your clients will feel if you have a gorgeous wedding planned and the grass isn’t exactly lush on the big day?

Some event organizers counteract this problem by spending hundreds of dollars yearly to maintain their lawns in pristine condition. They invest money into carefully cultivating, fertilizing, and watering it. Other, more astute event organizers address this problem by putting in high-quality, pet-friendly artificial grass that looks great all year long with almost no continuing care.

Natural grass has other problems besides just being dry

There are more significant problems than just dried, cracked, or discolored grass, which is what most event planners focus on. Take mug infestations as an example. Do you want your special guests to have to deal with insects? No, we believe.

By adding facilities, you can get a competitive advantage

The ability to consistently deliver a first-rate experience for your clients and their guests is the best competitive advantage to have. When every detail counts, you may let them know that there is no chance that visitors will get grass stains on your lawn. It doesn’t run the risk of having muddy ground that is impossible to walk on. Without having to worry about moisture or other problems, visitors can stroll through the grass, settle down for a picnic, and engage in other lawn activities.

Maintain fire safety at your venue

It is difficult to travel anywhere in the state without coming across a fire. The truth is that choosing a groundcover that is fire resistant will dramatically lower the likelihood that a fire will spread to a building on the property and is one of the first things fire safety professionals will advise to homeowners. Artificial grass can be replaced considerably more quickly than natural grass can in the event of a fire.

Shorten the turnaround time

Cleaning artificial grass is as easy as hosing it down, which is one of its best features. It doesn’t require any extra maintenance to look lush and lovely, which shortens the turnaround time between events. Call All Season Turf at (866) 365-8873 if you’re ready to learn more about this choice and to request a free estimate.

Questions? Call us anytime at (866) 365-8873(866) 365-8873

All Season Turf Located at
27799 Blue Diamond Ln, Menifee, CA.
All Season Turf Logo Phone: (866) 365-8873